
GENTIGER machines have been widely used in the aerospace industry.

It is used for airbus wing structures, processing composite materials (such as carbon fiber ailerons), engine casings, stainless steel, and titanium alloy heat-resistant parts.

The high-rigidity gantry structure and high-torque spindle cutting of GENTIGER machines are the best equipment for the aerospace processing industry.

Work-piece: Structure
  • Material:6061-T6
  • Spindle Speed:13000 rpm
  • Recommend:GT-875-5AX

Complex structural characteristics show the advantages of five-axis simultaneous motion and fixed-axis accuracy.

Work-piece: Structure
  • Material:6061-T6
  • Spindle Speed:15000 rpm
  • Recommend:GT-875-5AX

Complex five-axis machining work-pieces in the aerospace industry, complex multi-angle swing angles, drilling ,and tapping can all be processed. The accuracy is within 0.02mm, and the surface quality of long-term processing is excellent.